Gillian Hicks has an amazing story to tell and is truly inspirational in terms of her determination to overcome severe physical and mental injury. She lost both legs in the London bombing of 2005 and cautions all of us - "Tomorrow, despite our best made plans is unwritten and unknown." It is really up to us to embrace all of life including the good and the not so good. It is really also up to us to leave a lasting footprint.
She emphasises that every second matters and just one second can make the difference between life and death. Where would she have been if she had left home a moment earlier of a few seconds later? What if she had missed or caught another train?
Do we all need to wait until we face death to learn about our lives? While Gillian was waiting the 60 minutes it took to be rescued she had two voices playing in her ear. The 'death' voice was calm and beautiful and was urging her to sleep. The 'life' voice was loud and commanding her not to give up. There was certainly an element of choice. She did know that by choosing the life voice, she had signed a new contract to do something different with her life.
Have a look at her video on how we can all make a difference through being part of a drive towards peace:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5L3xwTspDgIGillian says that she was an ordinary person in an extra-ordinary situation. We all have the choice though of making a real difference.
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