Management Consultancy International held our annual prize giving ceremony to acknowledge the efforts of learning and development managers and also to reward excellence that was displayed by candidates.
Prize winners included:
Daniel Fluckiger from Allianz Insurance as training manager of the year. Daniel is committed to training and passionate about everything he does. He has introduced new training programs to the business and these are positively received and are making a big impact.
Learning and Assessment team of the year went to the L and D team from Napoleon Perdis Cosmetics. They put together superb TAA portfolios and showed their commitment to the process.
Program of the year went to Perisher Blue where they have been working towards their Certificate 4 in Frontline Management. The portfolios received were of a very high standard and the group participation in the program was excellent - what's more they are applying the skills acquired.
Other prize winners include Tanya Mittaga from Toll Personnel as Training Administrator of the Year for her skills and commitment to rolling out a national program in Frontline Management.
Students recognised for the high level of their portfolios of evidence include Andy Harcombe from Tyco, Matthew Attard from Sensis and Spiro Tzvaris from FujiXerox.
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