Change - not usually our favorite topic. And certainly not at the start of the year! A series of changes have occurred in my life and I learnt some valuable lessons along the way. I am after all a change consultant who loves to preach to other people about the value of change and how to manage change. That is, until it happens to me personally and then the change process goes right out the window.
Lesson #1: You will find the positives in the change
Fearing change is often far worse than the change itself. We moved to new offices and the usual dramas were all happening at once: the removalists let us down, the servers went down and not everyone was happy with their newly positioned desk. Sound familiar?
Yet, after the first few hiccups were smoothed over, everyone started loving the new office even though it was not as swish. There were more people to connect with and more buzz in the air. We promptly forgot about the whole move and by day 3, no one even mentioned the original office.
I was stunned - no harking back to how much better it was in our original abode? No sense of 'woe is me' in the team? Huge lesson that once the change has happened, life moves along and we can find the positives in the change if we look for them.
Lesson #2: The change might improve your possibilities
I have been regularly going to the same gym class in the park for over 5 years. Dedicated to fitness... The time was suitable, the venue was just right and the fellow gym mates were great. Out of the blue, an email announces that the gym is closing.
I eventually found a new gym and with much trepidation went to the first class. Would I measure up at my age with all the youngsters in the room? Would I be able to keep the pace without embarrassing myself and all the fat wobbles spilling over in to everyone's face?
As it turns out, I realised that I had become very complacent in the old class: I was certainly capable of doing a whole lot more and pushing myself that bit harder. So, 1 kilo lighter and less flap in my chicken wing arms, I am so happy I switched and I don't look back for one moment.
Lesson # 3: At least give it a try!
There was the most lovely fruit stall outside our building in the city CBD manned by a delightful chap who brightened our day. He knew all the gossip and shared wonderful tales with us to start our morning on the right note.
And after 43 years in the business, he sold out. We were gutted: who would put a smile on our face every day? Who would give us advice on the best fruit of the day? We even cried when we said goodbye to 'our' fruit man.
Well, little did we know that the new owner of the fruit stall was more than happy to meet us. He immediately assured us that he was also a great guy and would take good care of all our needs. And we gave it a try with very pleasantly surprising results. The fruit is presented far more attractively and there is a greater variety available.
This is not to say that all change works out well in the end - it is just at least worthwhile to follow the good old adages and 'go with the flow', 'trust the process' and look for the upside.

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