We have been delivering a training program for a group of job-seekers who are seeking work in the field of marketing. What an incredible group of people!
Besides learning skills and new ways of applying these skills in work situations, they have achieved a remarkable turn-around in the way in which they market themselves in order to secure employment. They have all learnt how to do their own elevator pitch and how to 'sell' themselves into a role.
Here is an extract from an email from one of the participants where he thanks our MCI trainer Gavin and also Sally from a job network provider:
"Hi Gavin & Sally
Firstly to thank you both for all you have done.
Secondly to let you know how much the Diploma of Marketing Course helped
me, and I believe helped all the students.
As a result of the interactiveness of the marketing course, the students
got to know each other and it got us out of the rut that some of us had
slipped into.
Even though I have skills and experience, I was actually starting to
believe that I would never get another job again . . And whether there
was anybody or any job out there actually worth getting!
During the course, Tara as you know got a Product Development job and
Tracy a Sales/Marketing job.
Robbie got some work as a result of meeting an entrepreneur on the last
day of the course.
Warren got some work designing a website for the entrepreneur.
Kala appeared more confident.
Myself I was actually feeling more confident as a result of interacting
with the others, and from doing some of the presentations during the
Interacting with the others also highlighted to myself some of my
weaknesses and strengths.
If nothing else, the course made me feel more positive about myself and
perhaps that even contributed to me gaining employment as some of that
positive attitude has to come across when applying for jobs.
No doubt a lot of this was due to Gavin Wedel the marketing course
assessor and the interactive course format he designed.
I applied for 3 IT jobs yesterday and today did the Agent Interview, Job
Interview and within 1 hour the agent rang back and said I had the job.
Almost I don’t believe I actually have a job after such a long period of
I have not had 12 months of continuous employment since 2000 and now i
have 12 months guaranteed!
I am sure some of the students were a little bit unhappy that the course
finished as attending bonded many of the students.
The marketing course was the most positive thing that happened during my
period of unemployment and it happened at the right time and I recommend
it to all who have some interest in learning something new about marketing
and also about themselves.
Thanks again Gavin and Sally."
All the best to everyone on the program!! You set the standard for all job seekers!!
Here are some before and after photos of one of the participants who has sharpened his image to become more professional.

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