Friday, March 11, 2011

Dr Fiona Wood

Dr Fiona Wood

We were very fortunate to listen to a presentation by Dr Fiona Wood, past Australian of the Year and mother of 6, head of Royal Perth hospital burn unit, professor at UWA.

She said that on international women's day we should all stop and learn about each others stories.

Fiona sees suffering on a day to day basis. She uses what she has learnt from yesterday to make tomorrow better. She constantly asks herself - How can we give the best care today to help this person?

Australia has one of the best health systems in the world but complacency is inappropriate. Unless we take responsibility for our health, wealthiness and education we cannot expect the system to do so. Our choices effect those around us.

She is also always amazed by the generosity of people who give their bodies to science. She questions - Can you imagine if people were this generous when they were alive!

She firmly believes that you should not not engage in negative energy. She sees it as a simple waste of time - people who are negative will suck themselves in to their own black hole.

Fiona's parents left school at 13 and 14 and then dedicated their lives to ensuring that their 4 kids had an education so that they could wake up in the morning and have the choice of what they want to and love to do.

Education gives you choice.

Fiona's other key messages:

Do everything in life with purpose.

All of us should dream. Goal set and work out how to achieve these goals and keep going forward.

When she applied for her first job, Fiona knew the others were applying and that they were more qualified then her but the hospital needed a woman and she got it. She was given the opportunity and had to take it - grasp the nettle with two hands and don't let go!

Fiona learnt how to combine surgery and family - 6 kids in 8 years. Negative energy can be turned into positive.

Fiona takes time to call co- workers who have done a great job with burn victim and they are doing well. She calls and says "Hi its Fiona Wood" and people get scared and say "what have I done?" She thanks them for their work and congratulates them. ALWAYS thank people.

She was once rostered her on with the professor who said he didn't think a woman should have got the job. It was a real baptism by fire! But then she became the daughter he never had.

Learn as much as you can technically and appreciate the value of being taught and of teaching others - the selflessness of imparting all you know onto someone else with the hope that they will be better than you.

Celebrate when people do things right!

Everyone is unique and special. How often have you been so passionate about something and roaring with energy?

There is energy in the roar! There is nothing to be ashamed of - it is up to us to help our kids be proud of their level of energy and not waste their gifts.

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