Thursday, July 12, 2007


I attended a workshop yesterday on the changes that are being implemented for the way in which RTO's are going to be audited in future - and there are definitely some major implications for providers in terms of how they self-assess and the types of documentation that needs to be stored and the processes that will have to be put in place.
The system has changed from being input-based to becoming more outcomes-focused and is certainly a step in the right direction as it should improve the quality of delivery and assessment.
There are certainly a range of issues that were discussed at the workshop that are going to need to be taken cautiously by RTO's and as this system is new, we will have to trust that it will take time to solidify and settle in.
Of concern to us was the mention of RTO's being measured now on the rate of completion of candidates and this is something that could determine whether the RTO is high risk or not. With so many factors affecting completion rates, many of which are beyond the control of the RTO, this does seem to be a rather stringent measure.
I would welcome discussion from other RTO's as to their views on this new auditing process and also whether they feel that the vocational system in Australia is mature enough to cope with outcomes-based auditing. This was a very pertinent question raised by one of the VETAB auditors and in the room the feeling was that RTO's could be ready, but are the auditors ready to make the huge mindshift that they need to do in order to make the system work?

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