Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I attended a most wonderful session today conducted by - the online network for educators.
I would encourage all trainers to join up - it is free - and enjoy some of the benefits of being part of this on-line community.
As Mark Twain once said,"I wanted my son to get a good education, so I took him out of school." There is so much that is new and happening on-line in education and training, that it seems such a pity to be conducting training using the same old techniques in the classroom.
I am so pleased that at Management Consultancy International we are going to be exploring how we can integrate some of the new tools into our sessions. We have already started by using video to capture sessions and ensure that the in-house groups receive a copy so that they can refresh at a later date or observe how they interact with others.
We are also going to be looking at using some of these tools as well:
1. Podcasts and hopefully picture podcasts
2. Some videocasts as well
3. Seeing how we can use Wikipedia in the sessions
4. Including Utube videos in our blog
5. Perhaps investigating Second Life as an education forum
6. Introducing an RSS feed.
As soon as I have my head around moodles, breadcrumbs, js tools and feedreaders, we will be moving Management Consultancy International and our clients way into the 21st century of learning. So watch this space....

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